Monday, May 7, 2012

Going Gilgal

Has God ever spoken so personally to you that it blew your mind? He has done that with me and one of the promises He has given me involves the city of Gilgal. In biblical times, it was the first stop for the Israelites after crossing the Jordan River…leaving exile and crossing into their promised land. Every time I hear about the city of Gilgal, my ears perk up and I listen. Without fail, there is something very personal for me to learn.
The name Gilgal means “circle”.
Full circle.
Throughout the past 3 to 4 years the Lord has been doing a ‘dig’ into MY history. He has been bringing up artifacts that are important to my healing journey. He has been taken something that was meant for harm and is turning it into something very good. It’s been an amazing, painful, productive and sometimes even comical journey.
At this point in my life, I have the opportunity to visit the Holy Land of Israel. The dig is from January 12 - February 23.

The area where the dig is taking place is believed to be the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities neighbor the area where the city of Gilgal is believed to have been.
Aside from shedding light on the “Queen of the Southern Jordan Valley” by being a part of this historical dig, which is AMAZING all by itself….I feel there is a very personal mission waiting for me as well.
I have a limited amount of funds and need assistance to make this trip a reality. I’m offering a calendar (available after my trip is complete, to include information on the trip!) to anyone who could help me out by making a donation. I need a total of $4,000 to do the whole 6 weeks mission. If I don’t raise the full 4K, I’ll go for as long as I’m able to afford to be there.

Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

So, this is what is in my heart.

If the door opens, I’ll walk thru it…if it closes, I’ll find my Gilgal thru the next open door.

Donations can be sent to:
Michele Goane
Po Box 209
Oceanside, CA 92049
or by clicking on the PayPal donation button below.

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